Do you want to see how your country compares to others for FCPA interest?

I am particularly interested in the impact of FCPA compliance in different countries. I am trying to calculate an indicator to link the compliance risk with the interest in anti-bribery by the local news for each country. In my last attempt, I selected 3 words that would be highly related to an article about this issue. I selected the keywords: fcpa, bribery and whistleblower. Then, I used the regional filter in the Google advanced search menu to get the number of hits for those keywords (both in English and the national language). Based on my interests, I covered 16 countries in this research. Finally, I compared the number of FCPA related hits by country with the sum of imports and exports to the US in closed months in 2011.

You can see my results here:

According to this method, it seems that most of the relative interest in FCPA is coming from Saudi, UK, Australia and Germany. I would expect lesser risk of anti-bribery compliance in those countries. On the opposite side, we have Mexico, China, Japan and Canada. In the middle interest areas, we have (in this order) Canada, France, South Africa, Russia, Brazil, Turkey, Spain and India.

I think that this method can be improved (eg. I need to check translations). However, It would be an effective analysis to get tendencies and risks. Any thoughts?

Bribery & Corruption Perception World Map * Transparency International 2010